Wunderbare Weiblichkeit by Rosie Geldner

Rosie Geldner founded »Wunderbare Weiblichkeit« in 2013 with the intention to empower and support women. Her work fosters more self-love and enliven long-term relationships, to drop shame layers in sexuality and honor the feminine body. She has a very active group on Facebook and wanted to rebuilt her brand with a new website that reflects the essence of her work. We included a scheduling system for her live sister circles as well as her personal offers in 1 on 1 work.

Visit »Wunderbare Weiblichkeit« Website

  • Brand Consulting
  • Brand Design
  • Image Design
  • Web Design
  • Web Development
  • Visual Brand & Web Design: Antonia Wibke Heidelmann

Rosie’s Experience

coming soon.