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How to find your Power Place with Purpose


The Art of Revealing – A glimpse into my own path with Branding

This is a video from my program “The Art of Revealing” from 2019 where I shared my own personal experience and exploration of branding aka power place bringing together our life experiences with it’s challenges, gifts and essences to build a sustainable brand with integrity.

Perhaps it is an inspiration or a key to clarify our own brand, business name, message or offering.

If you need assistance I am happy to be of service. Write me here.

The Art of Revealing – Conversations

Interview series with courageous revealing Change Agents who no longer hold back their full expression because they have a message to share. 

The Creative Power of Anger

Why anger is a portal into creative expression.

Fully Seen Hiding - Quote David Whyte

Hiding has it’s value – Inspiration from David Whyte

“Hiding is a way of staying alive.
Hiding is a way of holding ourselves until we are ready to come into the light.
Even hiding the truth from ourselves can be a way to come to what we need in our own necessary time.
Hiding is one of the brilliant and virtuoso practices of almost every part of the natural world: the protective quiet of an icy northern landscape, the held bud of a future summer rose, the snow bound internal pulse of the hibernating bear.
Hiding is underestimated.
We are hidden by life in our mother’s womb until we grow and ready ourselves for our first appearance in the lighted world; to appear too early in that world is to find ourselves with the immediate necessity for outside intensive care.
Hiding done properly is the internal faithful promise for a proper future emergence, as embryos, as children or even as emerging adults in retreat from the names that have caught us and imprisoned us, often in ways where we have been too easily seen and too easily named.
What is real is almost always to begin with, hidden, and does not want to be understood by the part of our mind that mistakenly thinks it knows what is happening.
What is precious inside us does not care to be known by the mind in ways that diminish its presence.
Hiding is creative, necessary and beautifully subversive of outside interference and control.
Hiding leaves life to itself, to become more of itself.
Hiding is the radical independence necessary for our emergence into the light of a proper human future.”

— David Whyte from “Consolations: The Solace, Nourishment and Underlying Meaning of Everyday Words”


Even though FULLY SEEN is a project that encourages people to come out of hiding, it is so important to feel when it’s YOUR time to be seen. Pushing ourselves into the spotlight before we are ready may be traumatizing or discouraging should our longings not being fulfilled due to the lack of clarity, direction or unaligned intention. So give yourself the time and presence to feel if your hiding is a creative hibernation – a necessary retreat to recharge, tend to your wounds, nurture your essence by letting it rest like in most nature does in wintertime or if it is a way to keep in a habitual fear & unfulfillment loop.

I believe hardly anyone feels really ready to be seen on some level. Most people have to deal with a spotlight fear that is like a threshold needed to be encoutered to jump into the unknown. But there is a slight distinction and to really know what kind of fear you are dealing with. Therfore it is important that you are really present with yourself to hear your soul’s guidance and calling and can determine the difference of the voices of fear from yourself or others, from the past or present (or fututure), a fear of the unknown or a warning fear.

Often it helps to share with someone who can intuitively and empathically feel you and also see you from a soul’s perspective to perhaps reveal some shadow pieces or empower and confirm your inner guidance.


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Empowerment through Animal Guides

Have you seen these amazing images?
I find them so captivatingly beautiful.

At FULLY SEEN we encourage you to bring out your power animals as they are such amazing guides to show us our true potential and teach us their wisdom through transmission. When we embody them in playful exercises our innate wildness can reawaken our innate core essence and empower us in a playful way! There is true magic happening when you recognize your power in your own photographs.

Come out to play with us some time !!